“El Arkası Yerde” Deyimi ve Bu Deyimin Divan Şiirindeki Kullanımı


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 4

Türk dilinin önemli zenginliklerinden olan deyimlerden bazıları zamanla kullanımdan düşmüştür. Türkçenin deyimlerini içeren eserlerin çoğunun günümüz ya da yakın döneme ait deyimleri barındırmaları daha önceki dönemlerde kullanılmış ancak günümüzde kullanılmayan deyimlere genellikle yer vermemeleri geçmişe ait metinlerin anlamlandırılmasında kimi sıkıntılara yol açmaktadır. Bu bakımdan geçmiş dönemlere ait metinlerin arasına sıkışmış deyimlerin titizlikle tespit edilip anlamlandırılması şarttır. “El arkası yerde” deyimi de bunlardandır. Tespit edilebildiği kadarıyla 15. yüzyıldan itibaren


Some of the idioms, which are one of the significant elements of Turkish language, have been forgotten in time and they have fallen into disuse. Idioms used in most of the pieces in Turkish language are the idioms of today or they belong to recent period; they generally don’t have idioms that were used in older periods but haven’t been used in today’s language; these facts cause some problems in the interpretation of texts that belong to older eras. In this respect, idioms which are hidden and forgotten in older texts must be determined and their meanings must be explained. The idiom of “El arkası yerde” is one of these significant idioms. As far as it was determined, the idiom was started to be used in the 15th century in Ottoman poetry and it had different versions as “el arkası yerde, el arkası yerde de-, el arkasını yere / yerde ko(y)-, el arkası yerde et- / eyle-, el arkasını yere bas-”; the idiom is no more used today. Ottoman poets used this idiom in their pieces in order to make some comparisons through factors such as the power of poesy, beauty, stature, bravery and generosity and to mention that the weak side accepts the superiority of the stronger. Many Ottoman poets used this idiom in their poems as an element of the art of euphemism (Hüsn-i talil). In this study, more than one hundred poetical pieces of art have been analyzed, sixty seven examples have been chosen out of thirty seven different poets and starting from this point, it was attempted to set the frame of the meaning of “el arkası yerde” idiom and the origin of it. On the other hand, it was attempted to determine where it was used in Ottoman poems and the way that it was used by Ottoman poets.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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