Osmanlı Şiirinde Öteki Ve Başkası Olarak Kâfir İmgesi


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 8

ÖZET İmgebilimin araştırma alanı genel olarak bir ulusal edebiyatta başka toplumlara ait imgelerin incelenmesidir. Osmanlı şiirinde farklı toplumlara ait izlenimler bazen o toplumun özel adı kullanılarak, bazen de “kâfir” gibi genel ifadeler kullanılarak dile getirilmiştir. Aslında bu imge,


THE IMAGE OF HERETIC AS OTHER AND ANOTHER IN OTTOMAN POETRY Imagology deals with the examination of the images in national literatures related to other societies in general. On reflecting the impressions about different communities in the Ottoman poetry sometimes custom name of that society and sometimes expressions like ‘heretic’ were used. In fact, this image like many elements of Divan poetry was inherited from Persian poetry. But it is possible to get clues from these texts about Ottoman poets and readers thinking on the plot of ‘us’ and the ‘other’. Heretic is used as an adjective describing a very dear and types of rivals, often it evokes negative connotations. This usage is not based on real experiences and it is in the form of generic and subjective judgments. It is normal to define the opposite with such shallow generalizations in societies having conflict with each other. In fact, the Muslim communities in European literature have been used an othering discourse. In addition, the image of heretic does not always infer a negative meaning in Ottoman poetry. Buildings made of non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire commonly believed to be solid, fabric and mirrors from Europe often expressed with appreciations. These images are more realistic because they occur on certain experiences. Also the image of physician in Divan poetry does not refer to the other although it is non Muslim. The image of heretic is also used in relation to unclear papers and on some of the traditions of non-Muslims, these are also based on experiences and observations.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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