Klasik Türk Edebiyatında Padişahlara Yapılan Yergiler


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 1

Klasik Türk edebiyatında şairlerle yöneticiler arasında genel olarak himaye ve iltifat üzerine kurulu karşılıklı bir ilişki vardı. Şairler kendilerini koruyan ve sanatlarını takdir eden başta sultanlar olmak üzere devlet yöneticilerine iltifat etmişler ve onların olumlu propagandalarını yapmışlardır. Ne var ki zaman zaman bazı şairler bu genel durumun aksine yöneticileri bazı sebeplerden dolayı eleştirmişlerdir. Bu eleştiriler kimi zaman dolaylı bazen de doğrudan yapılmıştır. Şairler ve yazarların padişahlara karşı tenkitleri diğer devlet adamlarına nazaran çok daha seviyeli ve hafiftir. Bu makalede


There was a mutual relationship based on patronage and compliment between the poets and governors in the Classical Turkish Literature. The poets have paid compliments to the state governors especially to the sultans who protect them and appreciate their arts and made positive propaganda of the sultans. However, unlike this general situation some poets sometimes criticized the governors for some reasons. These criticisms were sometimes made directly and in some cases indirectly. The criticism of the poets and writers toward the sultans are more discreet and mild compared to criticism to the other statesmen. In this article position of the poets' criticisms towards the sultans in the overall look the Classical Turkish Literature was examined. The study was focused on the reasons and meaning of the poets' criticisms towards the sultans by way of satiric poems. In this context all of these criticisms were analyzed in terms of their partial relationship with the Ottoman historical sources. The direct or indirect satire of the poets is not only related to the personality of praised people, but also is a kind of reaction reflecting general opinion of the community. In these poems i


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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