Milli Kütüphanede Kayıtlı Bulunan Bir Şiir Mecmuası Üzerine


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 1

Divan edebiyatı, altı yüz seneyi aşkın ömrü ve yayılmış olduğu geniş coğrafî sahada, sayısı tam olarak tespit edilememiş çok sayıda değerli şairi ve kıymetli eseri kültür dünyamıza sunmuştur. Edebiyat tarihimizin uzun asırlar boyunca devam eden söz konusu güçlü edebî geleneğine ait eserlerin bir kısmı, ilim adamları tarafından günümüz insanının okuyup anlayabileceği duruma getirilmişken bu devre ait birçok edebî mahsul de üzerinde çalışma yapılmayı beklemektedir. Söz konusu eser türlerinden biri de


Divan Literature, in its lifetime which exceeds six hundred years and on a large area which has spread out, has presented numerous well respected poets and important works whose number couldn’t be determined by scientists exactly from to our cultural world. Although some of the works, which belong to this substantial tradition of our literature that has continued for centuries, were turned into a form that modern man can understand by scientists, many works that belonging to this period are waiting for being studied as well. In this study, a journal, with the 06 Mil Yz A 2713 archive number and the title of Mecmu‘a-i Es‘ar which registered in the National Library, and involving various poems which were written by the poets Fuzuli, Hayali, Bagdatlı Ruhi who belong to the tradition of Divan Literature and Kaygusuz Abdal, Asik Omer who belong to the tradition of Folk Literature and some of them aren’t get involved in the published diwans of the poets. At this paper, was analyzed within a certain pattern Mecmu’a-i Es’ar. Thus, introducing a work which hasn’t been studied on till now and presenting the poems which it involves to the use of the man of our time, have been aimed.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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