Seyyid Vehbi'nin Divanında Yer Almayan Bir Kasidesi


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 1

Şiir mecmuaları çeşitli şiirleri derlemekle birlikte yazıldığı devrin sanat ve kültür birikimini de bir araya getirirler. Nazire mecmuaları nazire geleneğini ve şairler arası etkileşimi örnekleriyle gözler önüne sererken, farklı konular etrafında toplanan ya da -tamamen okuyucunun zevkine göre gelişigüzel toplanan- şiir defterleri edebiyat tarihini bir bütünlük içinde görmemize olumlu katkılar sağlar. Bu nedenle nazire mecmuaları ya da diğer şiir mecmuaları,


Perodicals include kinds of poems. In addition they comprise artistic and cultural accumulation when they were written. Pastiche collections give knowledge abaut pastiche tradition and interactions between poets. Poem notebooks which can collect diffrent subjects contribute to history of literatüre. So, pastiche collections or other collections are one of the main source of classical poetry. Contributions of periodicals to classical school of poetry investigating,may be collected with three groups. Firsh of all, periodicals reflect the plcasure of poem when they were written and poems which were approued can be determined. Second one, they contribute to recognition of poets who weren’t mentioned in history of literature. Third one, investigetors can benefit from periodicals for poems which weren’t mentioned in poet’s


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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