Nazire Geleneğinden Metinlerarasılığa Üç Şiirin Söyledikleri


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 1

Türk edebiyatının pedagojik kaygılarla ya da başka sebeplerle


To separate Turkish Literature, owing to pedagogical concerns or other reasons, into the classification such as ‘’Divan literature’’, folk literature, lodge literature led to emerge partial views in the literature that was the social memory of the communal cultural world. It is absolute that, for a certain period, although literature was the product of some language, it was said that literature addresses different fragments in one nation and it was represented as unrelated with each other by classifying it as Turkish literature, folk literature and ‘’Divan literature’’. However, it was precisely and clearly put forward by the authorities that these approaches which bring about the mental split are neither scientific nor certain. This is where the concept of tradition, characteristics of the providing continuity of the cultural tradition, the tradition of classical Turkish literature the tradition of Nazires that has a very important place in this tradition. Especially, the analysis of poetry or literary text in the context of intertextual relation, is required to look at literature in general and to look at Turkish literature as a whole in particular. In fact, we see many scientific studies done showing this holistic perspective. In this study, it is aimed to contribute this kind of studies in the tradition of Turkish literature and aimed to highlight the importance of looking the accumulation of literature as a whole. In this respect, by means of the concepts of tradition, tradition of Nazires and intertextuality, one ghazal of Zati’s is compared with Baki’s nazires which is written against to this lyric and then it is evaluated the contribution of Yunus Emre’s poetry as a source of ghazals( lyric ) of Zati’s.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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