Bir Zarif Âşık: Rusçuklu Zarîfî Ve Dîvânı


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 1

Kaynaklarda ismi Zarîfî Baba, Zarîfî Ömer Efendi, Zarîfî Baba Ömer Efendi, Şeyh Ömer Zarîfî Efendi, Ömer Baba şeklinde geçen Zarîfî 18.yüzyılda yaşamış mutasavvıf bir


Zarîfî, who is mentioned as Zarîfî Baba, Zarîfî Ömer Efendi, Zarîfî Baba Ömer Efendi, Şeyh Ömer Zarîfî Efendi, Ömer Baba in the sources, was a 18th century Divan poet. In the history of literature, there are six more poets other than Zarifi who used the same nickname. Five of them lived before him while one of them is his contemporary. He was born in Ruscuk, within the borders of Bulgaristan today, and died in 1795 in the same place. As a Sheikh of the Sa’diye cult he wrote ârifane poems. Zarîfî, who is also known as a Pendname poet, is recorded in biographic sources to have a Divan. However, it was believed either to have defeated by time or lost. As a result of our researches, we discovered that the writing with the T 3863 registration number in Istanbul University Library is actually the Divan of Ruscuklu Zarîfî. Although the poet himself is a calligrapher, the so-called edition is not his own calligraph. The Divan, copied by Es-Seyyid İbrahim is a re-arranged one. However, it does not contain all the components of a well-srtuctured Divan. There are 30 poems in the first part which we call Kaside, and there are 536 poems in the Gazels section. The Kasides are addressed to God, the Prophets and the Saints. There are no poems addressing to any statesmen. There are poems in each letter in the alphabet from Elif to Y. There are five types of verses in Divan such as Mesnevi, Kaside, Gazel, Murabba and Muhammes. Although Zarîfî's poems are mainly Sufistic, the reflections of classical and Hikemi style are also visible. The poet, who uses a simple and comprehensible language, also employs idioms and proverbs in his works. The reflections of Pendname style are also evident in his works. The Divan was prepared for publication and it came to light by being introduced broadly in this article. The life and literary biography of Zarîfî, about whom there are very limited language, are revealed to the benefit of academics through this paper.


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