Te’sîr-İ Tebrîzî’nin Külliyatı Ve Türkçe Şiirleri


Number of pages:
2012-Volume 7 Issue 4-I

Türk edebiyatının tarihi gelişim süreci içerisinde en çok eser verdiği bölgelerden biri de yaklaşık bin yıl boyunca Türk hanedanları tarafından yönetilen İran’dır. İran’ın tarihsel geçmişi ve edebi kültürü göz önünde bulundurulduğu zaman her ne kadar Türk hanedanlar tarafından yönetilse de Fars dili ile yazılan eserlerin merkezi konumundadır. Buna rağmen İran’da hüküm sürmüş olan başta Akkoyunlular olmak üzere Safeviler, Avşarlar ve Kaçarlar döneminde yetişen şairlerin önemli bir kısmı Farsça şiir yazmalarına rağmen


Within its historical development, one of the most prolific regions of Turkish Literature is Iran that was governed almost one thousand year by Turkish dynasties. Although Iran was governed by Turkish dynasties, in view of its history and literary culture, Iran is the centre of works written in Persian language. Though a great number of poets, grown particulary during the reign of Akkoyunlu, Safavids, Avsars, Kacars, composed their poems in Persian language; they also reserved Turkish poems in their anthologies (Divan) either in a limited number or composed poems as many as that could form a seperate anthology in its own right. The tradition of composing poem in Turkish was not only peculiar to poets but it was also fulfilled by the Ruler and those who belonged to his family. Cihan Shah, the Ruler of Karakoyunlu, came first with the pen name of Hakiki, Shah Ismail writing under the pen name of Hatayi, Shah Abbas II whose pen name was Sani and Ibrahim Mirza who composed his poems under the pen name of Cahi are all in the position of the followers of this tradition. Furthermore, there are a few numbers of Turkish poems with some couplets in the anthologies of Va’iz-i Kazvini and Sa’ib-i Tebrizi, who are regarded among the foremost representatives of Sebk-i Hindi movement. Te’sir Tebrizi is also one of the poets with a treatise, having lived in the Safavids’ era and written Turkish kasides for Shah Süleyman the First and for Shah Huseyin. In this study, our essential aim is to both present information about the life and treatise of Te’sir Tebrizi and to discuss his Turkish poems written in various verses.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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