Şeyh Galib ve Yayınlanmamış Şiirleri


Number of pages:
2012-Volume 7 Issue 4-II

Şeyh Galib, klasik Türk edebiyatının en önemli şairlerinden biridir. Şiirlerinde Sebk-i Hindi akımının tesirleri görülen Galib, Divan’ı ve Hüsn ü Aşk’ı ile gerek yaşadığı çağda gerek kendinden sonraki dönemlerde yetişen


Sheikh Galib is one of the most important poets of classical Turkish literature. Both his contemporary and predecessor poets were deeply influenced by ‘Divan’ and ‘Hüsn ü Aşk’ of Sheikh Galib who himself was influenced by Sebk-i Hindi movement. At the same time, Galib is one of the major figures of the mystical in his period. He was born and brought up in an environment dominated by the Mevlevi culture and received a good sufi mystical training and finally has been sheikh of Galata Mevlevihanesi. He also frequently uses mystical concepts in his poems. Sheikh Galib who arranged his Divan at the age of 24, two years later wrote out Hüsn ü Aşk. He was well-known at a young age thanks to these two works in literary and mystical gathering-places and deservedly gained a reputation. Thus he attracted attention of Sultan Selim III, and a sincere friendship began between them. This great poet of our classic literature also attracted attention of today’s researchers, there are various studies about his literary personality and his works. His Divan and Hüsn ü Aşk was published by different researchers. In this article, the previously unpublished poems of Sheikh Galib can be found along with the information on his life, art and works. The aforementioned poems exist in a 776 numbered poetry journal in Halet Efendi section of Sülaymaniye Library.Thesepoems consist mostly of isopsephic poems but there are also singular couplets and poems written in ghazal, ruba’i and verse forms. This article has also been enriched with the footnotes which give detailed information on the abovementioned poems.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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