Bilinmeyen Bir Eser: Yümnî Divanı


Number of pages:
2012-Volume 7 Issue 3

Bu makalede, biyografik kaynaklarda varlığından bahsedilmeyen Yümnî Divanı tanıtılarak çeşitli açılardan incelendi. Çalışma iki kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Birinci kısımda öncelikle kronolojik olarak Yümnî mahlaslı


In this article, we will investigate into various aspects of the Yümnî’s Divan which have not been mentioned in the biographical sources. This study consists of two sections. In the first part, short biographies of the poets who use Yümnî as pseudonym has been discussed. We have made some observations on Yümnî’s Divan and other sources to identify the Yümnîs who may be to the author of this short Divan which consists of 5 qasides and 165 ghazels. As a result of our observations we indicated that Yümnî was a


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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