Divan Şairinin Sessiz ve Gizli Anlatımı: Muvaşşah


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2012-Volume 7 Issue 3

Divan şiiri incelemelerinde, o şiirin yüzey ve derin yapısını oluşturan unsurların ve bu unsurların şiire kazandırdığı yeni anlamların tespiti çok önemlidir. Birçok


Surface and deep structure of the elements that form the poem bring new meaning to poetry. Determination of these elements is very important in Ottoman poem studies. In this respect, many poets of Ottoman poem resorted to create a secret language through sounds and letters. From this point of view, letters gain great many peculiarity with regard to its shape and contents and therefore we see that different kinds of literary arts reconstituted. These different experiments which have the aim of benefitting from the letters’ symbolic value or with the help of letters they try to constitute concept are characterized as the not suitable line for our topic. For this reason, these applications whose examples are rarely encountered in our literature according to the other literary arts re shown between the talents included the rhetoric. In our literature, one of the talents which bases on the letters’ types, union, way of reading is called muvaşşah and muvaşşah is the method which bases on visual things. Today, muvaşşah is expressed as the acrostic. Because of that muvaşşah is perceived as the art which finds the first letter of verse and creates the name from these letters. But examples of muvaşşah in classical Ottoman poetry benefit from not only the first letter of verse but also middle and last letter of verse. Our poets use muvaşşah to form the title, prayer, moreover while constituting verse or couplet, it can be seen that they use muvaşşah to compose a chronogram to commemorate the date. In this respect we can express that muvaşşah has different contents. In our study, with the help of different examples of muvaşşah different peculiarity of this art found place for itself. Different kinds of muvaşşah such as kasida, lyric poem, müseddes, stanza, masnavi, müstezad will show us the secret language and silent expression which is used by the poet in the poem.


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