Bir Prenses: Kadriye Hüseyin ve Bir Ressam Vittoria Pisani


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2012-Volume 7 Issue 1

ve yazar kimliğinde müstear isimler de kullanan Mısır’da H


The end of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic living in the first period, journalist and author identities also uses the pen name of the Khadriye in Egypt, the last princess of changing the Khadriye Hussein, 10 January 1888 was born in Cairo. Life in Egypt later, but until 1922 1930 in Istanbul, Huber lived in the Mansion, cultural activities were found. Today’s Presidential Residence in Istanbul in 1930, this mansion Notre Dame de Sion College Girl returned to Egypt to forgive, July 6, died there in 1955. Kadria Hussein’s works; Mehâsin-i Hayat, Nelerim, Temevvücât-ı Efkâr, Muhadderât-ı Islam, Mukaddes Ankara’dan Mektuplar, Mühim Bir Gece bears their names. Bekir Sami Bey, the Presidency Council in London participating Konferans of Murahhasa way back on April 10, 1921, while Brindisi (Italy) participated as a journalist Kadria Hüseyin; ship Çanakkale-Istanbul-Samsun (April 14, 1921) over to Ankara (April 16, 1921) came between 1921 and April 16 to May 24 was the guest of Atatürk. May 12, 1921, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Kadria Hussein and his wife Princess in Çankaya in Kabul, “... we doubt, we want peace, an honorable peace! But they want to destroy us. I know this because” he was. Kadria Hussein; Bible Letters From Ankara (Lettres D'angora La Sainte) with the name, Investigation Commission's report and Turkey to promote the struggle for independence, the Greek occupation exists inhuman level of European countries to describe their observations and impressions reflecting a French book (Cortina, Temmuz/1921) issued. This book, with Atatürk’s request in 1922 was translated into Turkish by Cemile Necmeddin Sahir Sılan, to work, life in Izmir, a large part of the last Italian painter Vittorio Pisani (1899-1974) was accompanied by pictures.


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