Bosnalı Sabit ve Ziya Paşa’nın Zafernâmelerindeki Şekil ve Zihniyet Mukayesesi


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2012-Volume 7 Issue 3

Bu çalışmada XVIII. yüzyıl Divan şairi Bosnalı Sabit ile Tanzimat Edebiyatı döneminin ünlü şair ve yazarı Ziya Paşa’nın zafernâmeleri mukayese edilmiştir. Öncelikle zafernâme türü hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. XVIII. yüzyıl


In this study,18 century Divan poet Bosniac Sabit’s and the famous poet and writer of Tanzimat Literature’s period Ziya Pahsa’s Zafernames were compared. First of all, informatıon about type of Zafername was given. Bosniac Sabit’s, the poet of Divan in 18th century, and Ziya Pahsa’s, the important poet and writer of Tanzimat Literature, Zafernames were examined seperately. The most successful and the most popular of Sabit’s masnavis was the work named Zafername. Sabit parted from his contemporaries and classical stories by his ideas of writing new and local. Sabit intentionally and willingly wanted to make innovation in the subject of his masnavis and considerably became successful in this work. Ziya Pahsa began to write his Zafername in 1867 in Paris, completed in 1840 in Geneva. Work was formed with three parts. Each one of this parts was shown as if ıt was written by different people. Work contained humour and satire opposed to Ali Pahsa. Zafername of Ziya Pasha is the first Zafername that written in the manner of indirect satire. When both of poets were evaluated. They could be seen as artist who forced their period’s tradition. The innovation, that Ziya Pasha made in shape and content and the innovation that Bosniac Sabit wanted to make in the subject of zafernames were shown by choosing examples and explanation from both poets. In this study, Zafername's full text of both poets weren't given but given some samples for comparing. Bosnalı Sabit's Zafername is fitting in classic zafername's tradition on the other hand it is prominent that he is on the way of searching new context. Ziya Pasha's Zafername is different in both shape and context on the aspect of classical zafername's tradition.


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