ÖZET Mizah pek çok alanda olduğu gibi edebiyatta da en önemli konulardan biridir. Mizah yazar ve şairleri, ister gülmece isterse yergi nitelikli olsun, mizah yaparken bazı yöntem ve araçlara başvurmuşlardır. Bu yöntem veya araçlardan biri de mübalağadır. Bu çalışmada
ABSTRACT Humour is one of the most important subjects in also literature as it is in many other fields. Humour writers and poets use some methods and tools, either comical or satirical, while they write humour. One of those methods and tools is hyperbole. As a result, exaggeration which is used in daily language and takes over a basic function in humour formation is also a literary device at the same time. In this paper, the relationship between device and humour has been tried to be evaluated through examples of beyits providing hyperbole art in poems of
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