Lâmi'î Çelebi Dîvânı’nın Müteferrikât Bölümünde Bulunan Hiciv Manzumeleri


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2011-Volume 6 Issue 2

XV. yüzyılın sonu ve XVI. yüzyılın başında yetişen Lâmi'î Çelebi manzum ve mensur olarak kırkı aşkın eser meydana getirmiştir. Şairin


Lâmi?î Chelebi grown up between the end of XVth century and beginning of XVIth century created more than forty works as verse and prose. There are satirical poems in his works named as Dîvân and Letâyif-nâme. These poems have been written for such purposes as complaint, condemnation and denigrate. In this work; types of words that he used and the arts of poetry that he benefit from will be evaluated by investigating satirical poems in müteferrikât part of his Dîvân according to their contents.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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