Türk Atasözlerinde Yinelemeler


Number of pages:
2011-Volume 6 Issue 1

Atasözü, “bir cümle halinde kalıp halde söylenen” özlü sözlerdir. Atasözü az kelime ile çok şey anlatır. Atasözünde anlatım yoğundur. Az kelime ile bütün çağlar için genel geçer kuralları ortaya koymak ve bunu anlatmak, anlam yoğunluğunu gerektirir. Bundan dolayı atasözü bünyesinde üslup oyunlarına yer vermez. İster yazılı bir eserde, ister sözlü bir üründe düzenli ve düzensiz aralıklarla yapılan yinelemeler anlatıma ahenk katar. Bu çalışmada atasözlerimizde görülen yinelemelerden söz edilecek ve yineleme çeşitleri üzerinde durulacaktır.


In the period of oral tradition, in which words were recorded in our minds and words were again passed down on the following generations orally, the difficulty in keeping long sentences in mind and conveying those sentences to others required a precise, clear and poetic style. For this reason, most of our proverbs consist of one or two sentences. The number of those which are long is small. One of the factors that allow proverbs passed down on the following generations and which are the products of oral culture to be catchy is the reiterations. A world of meaning that is formed with the help of reguler reiteration of thought assumes a revitalizing function on the mind of the listener. Idiomatic expressions, reiterations formed this way helps the permanency of the words. Reiterations made in regular and irregular intervals add harmony to the expression, whether in a written or an oral text. In this study, the reiterations observed in our proverbs will be mentioned and types of reiterations will be dealt with.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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