Deyişbilimsel Bir Paralel Yineleme Unsuru Olarak Divan Şiirinde Redd-i Matla


Number of pages:
2010-Volume 5 Issue 4

Şiirin okuyucunun belleğinde kalma yetisi; şekil ve muhtevanın yarattığı etki kadar, yapılan tekrarlarla metnin unutulmamasına da bağlıdır. Divan şiiri ile Deyişbilimi “biçem/üslûp” ortak paydası üzerinde bir araya getiren bu çalışma,


Possibility of remembering the poem depends not only on the effects of its form and content but also on repeating the poem. This study attempts to deal with Divan poetry and “style” that is a term of Stylistics on a common ground. Specifically, it deals with “repetitions” used in gazhels of Divan poetry, thus tries to analyse these gazhels using a linguistic structure. Linguistic elements in a poem such as sounds, words, phraes, sentences and also lines can be said to be repeated if they are systematically and repeatedly used. In other words, repetetions can be observed at each level of linguistic structure, namely phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic. There is a conceptual similarity between the Stylistic term symploce and the Divan poetry term “redd-i matla”. In the study, the similarities between these terms and this similarity is given using examples from Divan poetry.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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