Bir Devrin Parlayan Yıldızı Ömer Nâci


Number of pages:
2010-Volume 5 Issue 3

Küçük yaşta anne ve babasını kaybeden Ömer Nâci, evlatlık olarak büyür. Askeri İdadi ve Harp Okulunu bitirir. Subay olur. Okul yıllarında edebiyata ilgi duyar. Birçok edebî dergide şiirlerini yayımlar. Güzel ve etkili konuşmasıyla hatip unvanını alır. II. Meşrutiyet öncesi gizli cemiyetlerin aktif üyesi olur. Ömer Nâci, Trablusgarp, Balkan ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na gönüllü olarak katılır. Bu makalede Ömer Nâci’nin şairliği, Mustafa Kemal’le tanışması, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti içinde oynadığı rol ele alınarak değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.


Ömer Nâci, who lost his parents when he was very young, was raised in a foster family. He graduated form the Military High School and then the Military College and became a military officer. During his school years he was interested in literature. He had his poems published in various literary magazines. With his beautiful and effective speech skills he was renowned as an orator. He became an activist at secret societies before the 2nd Constitution. Ömer Nâci joined the Tripoli, the Balkan and the 1st World War voluntarily. In this article, Ömer Nâci’s poems, his meeting with Mustafa Kemal and his role in Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti (Commitee of Union and Progress Society) were studied and elaborated.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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