Maşûk, Âşık ve Rakip Arasındaki Hiyerarşik İlişkiler


Number of pages:
2010-Volume 5 Issue 3

Bu makalede, 14-18.yüzyıllar arasında yazılmış


This article will focus on the impact of political structure of the Ottoman State on the triplet of beloved-lover-rival in the Divan poetry and the hierarchical relationships generated by this impact, based on the couplets extracted from the poets written between 14th and 18th centuries. These hierarchical relationships are basically related to the concept of “adoration” in Ottoman State structuring and “sense of love” in the Divan poetry. With regard to the topic, the article will also refer to the concept of “metaphor of palace” of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and “amour courtois” dragged by Ömer Faruk Akün in the Divan literature item.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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