Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic
Can Yücel, who started to contribute to literature in 1950 with his book “Yazma” , has attracted the attention of the poetry environment especially after 1965, after a 15-20 year of search period. The poet tried to approach the events (incidents) and facts with a socialist point of view in his poems in which he put forward swearing, slang and obscenity. One of the reflection forms of his social sensitivity and critical point of view – within the effect of his perception of life – is lampooning. Irony in this respect is the part of lampooning, in addition it’s a vehicle for the poet to locate himself against “nonsense” . In this study the significance of irony in the structure of Can Yücel’s poems is going to be evaluated via examples.
@article{2010,title={Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic},abstractNode={Can Yücel, who started to contribute to literature in 1950 with his book “Yazma” , has attracted the attention of the poetry environment especially after 1965, after a 15-20 year of search period. The poet tried to approach the events (incidents) and facts with a socialist point of view in his poems in which he put forward swearing, slang and obscenity. One of the reflection forms of his social sensitivity and critical point of view – within the effect of his perception of life – is lampooning. Irony in this respect is the part of lampooning, in addition it’s a vehicle for the poet to locate himself against “nonsense” . In this study the significance of irony in the structure of Can Yücel’s poems is going to be evaluated via examples.},author={Soner AKPINAR},year={2010},journal={Journal of Turkish Studies}}
Soner AKPINAR . 2010 . Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic . Journal of Turkish Studies.DOI:10.7827/TurkishStudies.1216
Soner AKPINAR.(2010).Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic.Journal of Turkish Studies
Soner AKPINAR,"Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic" , Journal of Turkish Studies (2010)
Soner AKPINAR . 2010 . Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic . Journal of Turkish Studies . 2010. DOI:10.7827/TurkishStudies.1216
Soner AKPINAR .Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic. Journal of Turkish Studies (2010)
Soner AKPINAR .Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic. Journal of Turkish Studies (2010)
Soner AKPINAR. (2010) .Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic Journal of Turkish Studies
Soner AKPINAR . Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic . Journal of Turkish Studies . 2010 doi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.1216
Soner AKPINAR."Irony In The Poems Of Can Yücel As A Component Of Comic",Journal of Turkish Studies(2010)