Azərbaycan Komediyasinda Bədii Mətnin Strukturu


Number of pages:
2009-Volume 4 Issue 8

Az?rbaycan komediyası, bir m?tn kimi ?n müxt?lif işar?l?rd?n, m?d?ni-sosial qatlardan t?şkil olunmuşdur. Bu m?tnin, dem?li mill?tin h?yatında, etnik-m?d?ni sistemd? f?al olan işar?l?rin daxilind? etnosun bütün h?yatı, onun ziddiyy?tl?ri, gerç?kliy? münasib?ti, güldüyü v? ağladığı n?sn?l?r sonsuzluqdan sonsuzluğa axır, dayanmır. Az?rbaycan komediyası strukturu v? janr sferası etibarı il? z?ngindir, orada ?m müxt?lif t?dqiqat üsullarının t?tbiqi üçün m?kan genişdir. Az?rbaycan komediyası tariximizin el? bir dön?mind? formalaşıb ki, mill?tin ?d?biyyatdan dünyaya baxışı d?yişm?y? üz qoyub, ?d?bi prosesd? kataklizml?r baş verib, Avropa tipli ?d?biyyat formaları etnik-m?d?ni sistemin yaşam t?rzinin ifad?sind? bir sıra orijinal meyll?r yaradıb.


The comedy of Azerbaijan consists, as a literary text of various signs, cultural and social layers. All life of the ethnos, its contradictions, attitude towards the reality, the events being subjected simultaneously to laughter and mourning, flow from infinity to infinity inside this text, i.e. the signs that are active in the ethnic-cultural system. The comedy of Azerbaijan is rich by its content and structure, the space inside this text is large for application of different investigation methods. The comedy of Azerbaijan is formed within a period of our history, when the vision angle of the nation through the literature is changed, the literary process is exposed to many cataclysms and the forms of the European type literature have originated lots of original tendencies.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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