Türkî-i Basît’e Yeni Bir Bakış


Number of pages:
2009-Volume 4 Issue 5

Türkî-i Basît, Köprülü-zâde Mehmed Fuad’ın 1928 yılında 16. yüzyıl şairlerinden Edirneli Nazmî’nin Divanını ortaya çıkarmasıyla, bugüne kadar sadece bu şairin


Türkî-i Basit (meaning Simple Turkish; later it becomes a designation for “Simplification of Turkish” movement) is a term that Edirneli Nazmî (Nazmî of Edirne), a 16th century poet, used in the titles of his poems in his Divan. This denomination is only seen in this poet’s Divan. Köprülü-zade Mehmed Fuad revealed this fact after he found Nazmî’s Divan in 1928. Fuat Köprülü claims that Türkî-i Basit is a movement, a tendency and a way of art. He regards Tatavlalı Mahremî (Mahremî of Tatavla) and Edirneli Nazmî as the first precursors of national literature movement. In this article after discussing the debates about acceptation or rejection of this issue, it is claimed that Türkî-i Basit is not a movement but a reflection of Mahallîleşme (Localization). This argument is proved in the light of recent researches.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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