Yerel Malzemeyi Önemseyen Bir Şair: Ahmed-i Dâi (Divanında Kullandığı Atasözleri ve Deyimler)


Number of pages:
2009-Volume 4 Issue 5



Discussion about the language and style of classic (Divan) poem has always been one of the major discussion in literature. While the poets of XIV and XV centuries have kept significant distance with the meaning by focusing on the local matters, their successors have profoundly focused on the poems that attempt to explore the meaning further. However, the latter poems have been criticized for gradual engagement in exhibition of their ingenuities. On the contrary to the establishing era, in Gibb’s expression, “the İranization was more prominent”at XVI, XVII, and XVIII centuries. Although there were some efforts against this resignation in terms of localization during the following centuries, these have not been successful so far. Because, the indigenous attitudes of poets in exspressing their poems in Turkish at early stage have nearly been replaced by the artificial efforts right after the localization. This indigenous style initiated by Yunus and Sultan Veled at earlier era has been followed by Asik Pasa, Gulsehrî, Ahmedî and Kadı Burhaneddin. Right at the beginning of the XV century, Ahmed-i Daî has taken over the mission and turned it over to Necati. This article deals with Ahmed-i Dai’s efforts.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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