Thomas Stearns Eliot ve Divan Şairinin Ortak Dünyası


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2009-Volume 4 Issue 2

Divan şairi ile Thomas Stearn Eliot arasında bir düşünce ve metot birliği mevcuttur. İnsanlık için düşünen bu iki ayrı dünyanın insanı bir noktada birleşir: Arif insan. Eliot’ın dediklerini


There is an idea and a method union between Ottoman Poets and Thomas Stearn Eliot. Two different world man who contemplating unite a point for humanity that is genostic human. Ottoman poets support Eliot’s speech, Eliot says the world that Ottoman poets intimate before century. Our nation who has E. U. ideals will interest us to know these similar points. Because there are many thinker people there as us and ancetor. For these people, Eliot is a model both idea father and also acknowledged man. The writer who was given Nobel reward is saying similar words as Ottoman poets’ philosophy. In our duty, we know the past and research seriously Eliot. It isnt’t possible astonish paralel opinions about culture, tradition, religion, philophy, literature. Having been pagan modern world against, it is a support to Eliot from Ottoman poets before century.


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