The Jelali Abaza Hasan Rebellion And Its Reflections On Kayseri


Number of pages:
2008-Volume 3 Issue 4

In this paper centered on the reflections of Abaza Hasan Rebellion on Kayseri, the Kayseri Ser’iyye Registries have been used as the main resource, and the effects that the Rebellion of Jelali Abaza Hasan left on Kayseri have been investigated in accordance with the documents having been found out here. The people who supported this rebellion in Kayseri, what kind of jobs they had, and the confiscatory goods of those having taken part in the rebellion have all been studied in this study. The support to the rebellion given by the Janissaries whom the State charged them to protect the sanjaks and provinces across the boundaries has been discussed along with the material and spiritual costs that the rebellion caused.


In this paper centered on the reflections of Abaza Hasan Rebellion on Kayseri, the Kayseri Ser’iyye Registries have been used as the main resource, and the effects that the Rebellion of Jelali Abaza Hasan left on Kayseri have been investigated in accordance with the documents having been found out here. The people who supported this rebellion in Kayseri, what kind of jobs they had, and the confiscatory goods of those having taken part in the rebellion have all been studied in this study. The support to the rebellion given by the Janissaries whom the State charged them to protect the sanjaks and provinces across the boundaries has been discussed along with the material and spiritual costs that the rebellion caused.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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