Dede Korkud’un Kopuzundan Osmanlı Şiirindeki Aşkın Kopuzuna


Number of pages:
2008-Volume 3 Issue 1

Bir müzik âleti olmanın ötesinde kopuz, Türk toplumunda şaman, baksı ve ozana İslâmiyet’ten önce ve sonra arkadaş olmuş, birçok fonksiyonu üstlenmiştir. Türk Mitolojisi’nin temellerinden birini oluşturan kopuz, Dede Korkud’la özdeşleşmiş ve Hikâyelerde de yer almıştır. Bu yazımızda, kopuz redifli 12 gazel muhtevâ açısından incelenmiş,


Beyond being a musical instrument, kopuz, has been a friend to shaman, baksı and singer in Turkish society before and after the Muslim world and undertaken many functions. Being one of the fundamentals of Turkish mythology, kopuz has been identified with Dede Korkud and also appeared in stories. In this paper, 12 kopuz repeated word lyrics have been analyzed in terms of content, information has been given about the charecteristics of kopuz and where it was played with the help of the couplet samples from self-contained works like poems with rhymed couplets and the characteristics of kopuz in Dede Korkud Stories and Otoman Poetry have been compared.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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