İ.A. Hudyakov ve Onun Uzun Yıllar Arşivlerde Kalan Çalışması “Kratkoe Opisanie Verhoyanskogo Okruga”


Number of pages:
2007-Volume 2 Issue 3

In this article İvan Aleksandroviç Hudyakov and his works will mentioned. He studied on Saha Turks culture. But these works lost in archives. And the last when he formed his work “Kratkoe opisanie Verhoyanskogo okruga” he was realized. The first person realized him is E. K. Pekarskiy’dir.


In this article İvan Aleksandroviç Hudyakov and his works will mentioned. He studied on Saha Turks culture. But these works lost in archives. And the last when he formed his work “Kratkoe opisanie Verhoyanskogo okruga” he was realized. The first person realized him is E. K. Pekarskiy’dir.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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