Bursalı İsmail Hakkı’nın Eserlerinden Hareketle Şiir Görüşü ve Şiir Yazma Şekli


Number of pages:
2007-Volume 2 Issue 3

Yazımızda, mutasavvıf şâir ve mütefekkir İsmâil Hakkı Bursavî’nin eserlerinden hareketle şiir ve şâir hakkındaki düşüncelerini ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Elimizde bulunan hacimli


In this article, we studied on İsmail Hakkı Bursavi's thoughts about poem and poet by his works who is a mystic and an intellectual poet. We especially studied on his voluminous Divan but we examined his other Works which is a characteristic poem explanation (şerh) in detail: Kitâbu’l-Envâr, Kitâbü’n-Netîce, Tuhfe-i Atâiyye, Tuhfe-i Ömeriyye, Ferâhu'r-Rûh and Silsilenâme. We paid attention to quotations from Ahidname and Ruhu'l-beyân in the study of his Divan. We tried to explain his opinion about poem and poet in order by his Works.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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