“Türkçe-Arapça Manzum Sözlüklerden Sübha-i Sıbyân-1-(İnceleme)”


Number of pages:
2006-Volume 1 Issue 2

One Of The Turkısh-Arabıc Verse Dıctıonarıes:Sübha-i Sıbyân-1-(Investıgatıon)


We learn from sourches that many dictionaries had been written for Turkish, Arabic and Persian. But we must make it clear that there is a tradition of writing verse dictionary in the Classical Turkish Poem which is not seen in the other literatures. According to many sources we understand these dictionaries are not known and they are far from being significant and persuasive sources in science. These dictionaries have importance for children to learn “aruz/prosody” and also Arabic, Persian words and their meanings in Turkish. Children learn these words easily with the help of these dictionaries. So they take attention from this point. İt is an important point that in many verse dictionaries’ foreword part it is said that “lugat ilmi/dictionary science” make people clever and poets say that even they memorized at least one verse dictionary in their childhood. When we published Mustafa b. Osman Keskin’s “Manzûme-i Keskin” called Turkish-Arabic-Persian verse dictionary in 2001, we saw that there are verse dictionaries more than 30 in Classical Turkish Literature. We believe in it is possible that there are many unknown verse dictionaries. In this article we aim to give knowledge about Sübha-i Sıbyân Turkish-Arabic verse dictionary which has at least 50-60 copies in libraries and which has been published 30 times between 1801-1900. This dictionary has about 460 couplets and had been used as a text-book in Sıbyân Schools.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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