Determining The Factors That Affect Burnout And Job Satisfaction Among Academicians: A Sample Application On The Hitit University

Academicians are the most important components of the universities. Therefore, aim of this study is to identify the burnout and job satisfaction levels of academic personnel in Hitit University, and to evaluate the relationship between some variables of academic personnel’s job satisfaction and burnout level. For this reason, 81 questionnaires were applied to academicians from the faculties of Engineering, Theology, Science and Letters, Economic and Administrative Sciences, School of Physical Education and Sports and School of Health and the finally Vocational Higher Schools in Hitit University in 2011-2012 educational year. Data collection instruments implemented are The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Maslach and Jackson, 1981) and The Job Satisfaction Survey (Hackman and Oldham, 1975). The Personal Information Form was used to get some information about university academicians. Results indicate that, among the demographic variables, gender was significantly related to depersonalization burnout subscales. Found that these study male academicians have significantly higher mean scores on depersonalization than females. It is observed that academics job satisfaction and burnout sub dimensions are not varied with the variables of age, marital status, and weekly lesson load. This research indicates that job satisfaction level of middle revenue level is significantly higher than that of lower level. The results indicated that lecturer reported a higher level of depersonalization than professors/associate professor and assistant professor. Also, job satisfaction was found that inversely meaningful correlated with emotional exhaustion. According to this study result while emotional exhaustion is increasing job satisfaction decreases, while emotional exhaustion is decreasing job satisfaction increases.


Burnout, job satisfaction, academic personnel.

Author : Sibel YOLERİ -- M. Ömer BOSTANCI
Number of pages: 589-600
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Atıf Sayısı: :1 : 1
Journal of Turkish Studies
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