20th century Turkey experienced two world wars, the following harsh conditions, political upheavals, military coups and social changes. Aziz Nesin, as a character and writer, was, in full sense of the word, the product of these conditions. With his impoverished background, he reacted against the injustice and dominance of minority; and evaluated all the things in terms of their utility for the society, especially, for the working class, which directed him to gain a socialist perspective naturally. He wrote a number of novels, poems, plays, stories, etc. from a socialist mindset. However, among genres, theatre was of greater importance for Nesin. In his plays, he handled the position of the individuals, their struggles and their conflicts with themselves, the others and with the society. They reflect his anger for public enemies who pose a disadvantage for the society, the democratish democratization and extreme recklessness of society. Nesin's aim is to prevent the ill operation of the system, raise awareness and instill the impulse in society towards a more enlightened individualistic and social life enabling personal and social change and improvement with his satireful humorous language without any violence. Therefore, his is functional folk humour which constitutes the basic principle of his revolutionist theatre. The primary purpose of this paper is to shed light on Aziz Nesin as a socialist writer, his idea of theatre, his satireful humour and revolutionist theatre notion.
Aziz Nesin, Natural Socialist Playwright, Satirical Humour, Nesin's Revolutionist Theatre
Author : | Yasemen KİRİŞ YATAĞAN -Ömer ŞEKERCİ |
Number of pages: | 775-786 |
DOI: | http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/TurkishStudies.41484 |
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