About the Journal

Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies (e-ISSN 2667-5544) is an international refereed journal that publishes original research.

Establishment: Our journal was separated from Turkish Studies (e-ISSN 1308-2140 in 2019 and established as an independent field journal.

Country: Türkiye

Publisher: Ankara Science University

Maltepe Campus, Maltepe Mahallesi Şehit Gönenç Caddesi No: 5 Çankaya, Ankara


Editor Address

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Burak Çakın

Muş Alpaslan University, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Islamic History and Arts, Muş, Türkiye

Aim: The aim of Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies is to provide an open access academic platform where researchers working in the field of theology can share and disseminate their findings.

Scope: Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies is an international refereed journal that publishes studies in the field of Theology.

Scopus Subject Category: Social Sciences and Humanities/Religion

Web of Science Subject Category: Social and Behavioral Sciences/ Theology and Ethics

Sub-Disciplines: Basic Islamic Sciences (Tafsir, Hadith, Islamic Law, Sufism, Kalam)

Religion and Literature (Symbolic World of Language, Old Turkish Literature, Turkish Islamic Poets, Sufi Texts)

Religion and Art (Music, Aesthetics, Theater, Mythology, Art History, Islamic Arts)

Religion and Language (Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Religious Language, Ancient Languages)

Religion and Philosophy (Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Logic, Morality-Politics, Belief and Interpretation, Social Ethics)

Religion and Education (Religious Education, Educational Sciences, Curricula, Educational methods and techniques, Values Education)

Religion and Sociology (Sects, Religious Groups, Politics, Secularization-Globalization, Cultural Anthropology, Islamophobia, Modernism, Feminism, Quran and Society)

Religion and History (History of Religions, Archaeology, Islamic History, Ottoman History, Seljuk History, History of Modern Turkey, History of Sects)

Religion and Geography (Andalusia, Turkestan, Arabian Peninsula, Jerusalem, Religious Geopolitics, West)

Religion and Psychology (Religious motivation, Religious Experience, Quran and the Individual, Sufi life, Spiritual development, Individual foundations of religiosity)

Types of Published Articles: Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies publishes research article, review, theoretical article, opinion article, teaching practice, translation, meeting summary, book review, law review, decision review, movie review and conference paper.

Publication Period: The journal publishes four issues per year (March, June, September, December). As of 2023, each issue, excluding special issues, contains a maximum of 40 articles.

Publication Language: The language of the articles is primarily Turkish, Russian, English, German, French, Italian, German, French, Arabic and Turkish.

Article Submission: Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published or submitted for consideration to another journal. The journal only accepts submissions via the web: https://turkishstudies.net/religion-yonetim

Article Processing Fee: Authors are not charged under any name before or after publication. Authors and reviewers are not paid.

Refereeing System: Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies uses a double blind refereeing system.

Plagiarism Scanning: Authors are required to upload a document from iThenticate veya intihal.net  system showing the similarity rate while uploading their articles. The similarity rate can be maximum 20%. 

Average Number of Weeks from Submission to Publication: 16

 DOI: DOI numbers are assigned to articles.

Crossref: https://search.crossref.org/?q=2667-5544

Full Text Format: PDF, XML

Open Access Policy: Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies is open access (CC BY-NC).

Journal Platform: OJS / DergiPlatformu

Journal Statistics: https://turkishstudies.net/religion?mod=dergi_metrik

Copyright Policy: The authors own the copyright of their work published in Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies and their work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license permits sharing, copying, reproduction, and adaptation of the work in any size and format for non-commercial use, including remixing, transforming, and building upon the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original work.

Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies
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