İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal’ın Divan Neşirlerinde Edebî Tenkit


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 12

İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal, yakın dönem edebiyat tarihçiliğimizin ilginç isimlerinden birisidir. Onun edebiyat ve tarih sahalarında yayınladığı bazı eserler, özellikle tenkit bakımından dikkati çeker. O bu eserlerinde gelenekli tenkit anlayışı ile modern tenkit anlayışını sentezleyen kendine has bir eleştiri metodu ile hareket etmiştir. Hem geleneksel hem de modern tenkit anlayışlarının arasında olduğunu düşündüğümüz eleştirileri, ona devrin edebiyat tarihçileri arasında özel bir yer ayırmayı gerektirmiş ve edebiyat tarihçilerinden bazıları onun bu özelliğine dikkat çekmişlerdir. Onun tenkitlerinden izlediği kendine has yöntem, Âsâr-ı Müfîde Kütüphanesi bünyesinde yayınlanan


İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal Inal, our recent history of literature is one of the interesting names. Some works published in his field of literature and history, especially noteworthy in terms of criticism. He has acted with criticism method that synthesizes a unique understanding of modern criticism with criticism understanding of the tradition in these works. Both traditional and modern criticism of the criticism we think that understanding, it has been required to allocate a special place among some of the era's literary historians and literary historians have pointed out to her this feature. Followed by criticism from his own unique way, in Library of Asar-i Müfide published in Library structure can be seen in the obvious way. İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal Inal, a poet and his work is considered, the criticism with some understanding from tradition. For example, as in the example Şeyhülislam Yahya, a son of the father of poetry, which he said would be a last job. While since act immediately to evaluate the proximity established with its poet. We can follow them through such examples we see the traces of tradition


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