HocaTahsin and his Works, which are considered as one of the pioneers of modern psychology in our country in the history of the Ottoman Empire, will be introduced. In particular, the personality of Hoca Tahsin and his contributions to modern psychology will be evaluated. We see the first reflections of psychology in the Islamic World in his works, which left philosophy in the West in the 1800s and entered the scientific world as an independent discipline. He is the first person to use the concept of psychology in the modern sense in Ottoman history in his work called “Psiholoji or İlm-i Ruh”. In addition, Yusuf Kemal (1849?) In his book â Gâyetü'l Beyân Fî Hakîkati'l-İnsan Yâhûd İlm-i Ahvâl-i Rûh ve and Rıfat Bin Mehmed Emin (??) “İlm-i Ahvâl-i Ruh and Usûl-i Contemplation ”. As the first rector (director) of the first university (Dâru’lfünûn) opened in our country, he did not distinguish between religious sciences and positive sciences. Because he was misunderstood in his lifetime, he was first dismissed from his post at the university and then prevented private tutoring. The first work written in our country under the name of Psiholoji “Psiholoji Yahut İlm-i Ruh” belongs to him. He wanted to benefit from modern psychology and tried to overlap the scientific and religious realities in his works. Hoca Tahsin defined some concepts in his work. Kuvve-i akkile; it is a force that enables us to understand beyond the knowledge of the outside world, penetrated to the depth of their meaning, which our five senses report. Psihology is a branch of science that speaks of force. His, havâss-ı zahire, that is to obtain information about the outside world through the five senses; whereas ihsa is defined as their realization and meaning. As a result of sensation, privilege and responsibility, a perfect efkar emerges. Hodja Tahsin explained that the human being realized the information obtained through five sensory organs which he named âlâ ahait ve and that he made savings by means of tahîk-i a‘sâb and adalât (nerves and muscles). According to him, human science begins with conscience, which consists primarily of knowing itself. Here conscience is used to express the concept of awareness called consciousness. When one applies to the human conscience, he sees important data about the scope of psychology as a research of what the knowledge he has obtained about the self-nâtıka by the science of psiholocya. it consists of an alliance. Then an impression occurs on a‘sâb-ı his through a’zâ, the subsequent impression is transferred to the dima and ultimately the verb occurs. Such evaluations of Hoca Tahsin coincide with the information about the sensation and perception phenomena accepted by modern psychology. When the concepts of mind and soul are mentioned, the mind, the ruler of the spiritual power, and the vehim, the ruler of the spiritual body, are compared and it is stated that the mind is the source of definite information away from the error. Reason, the relationship with the self is reason, the treasure of self is defined as the treasure. In other words, the two forces of the self are 1) Idrak (Akl-ı Nazarî), and 2) Verb (Akl-ı Ameli).


Hodja Tahsin, Psiholoji Yahweh Ilm-i Ruh, Fenn-i Psiholoji, Fenn-i Psiholoji, DârulFünûn.

Author : Tahsin KULA
Number of pages: 3191-3210
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/TurkishStudies.39463
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Turkish Studies-Social Sciences
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