Animation cinema films attract the attention of audiences of all ages and it is developing rapidly in Turkey. Studies on the values; it has been the subject of social sciences in every period. Therefore; This study was conducted to determine the basic human values represented in Turkish animation films. 19 value-type model developed by Schwartz Values Model (1992) and Schwartz et al. (2012) for the classification of values was used in the study. In the research, descriptive analysis method was used within the framework of a cultural analysis design based on the qualitative research tradition. In the process of collecting the data of the study, animation cinema films were used by using document analysis method. The universe of the Turkish animation cinema, which is the universe of the study, was limited to five films in line with the sample selection and was chosen to reach the audience the most. These films are: “Kötü Kedi Şerafettin” (2016), “RGG Ayas” (2013), “Canım Kardeşim Benim, Uzaylılar mı Gelmiş?” (2016), “Evliya Çelebi ve Ölümsüzlük Suyu” (2014) ve “Uzay Kuvvetleri 2911” (2014). In the analysis, growth anxity-free / self-protection anxiety-avoidence hierarchy was examined. In animation films, While 57.6% of the participants had growth anxiaty-free, 42.4% were self-protection anxiety-avoidence. In order to determine the sources of motivations, the distribution of values groups in the second ring of the model is; while the personal focus was 68.2%, the social focus was 31.8%. Also an analysis was made on the openness to change / conservation, self-enactment / self-transadence value groups in the last ring. As a result of the analysis, openness to change was 30.7% and censervation was 28.2%. Self-transcendence was found to be 26.5% and self-enactment was 14.6%. If we look at the frequency of value types in Turkish animated cinema films, the first three value types which are handled most intensively, respectively; tradition is 12,1%, benovlance-caring 9,7%, self-direction-thought is 9,2%. The three least-represented types are; achivement was found to be 1.2%, situmulation was 0.9% and the face was 0.8%.


Animation, Values, Cinema, Movies

Author : Zeynep Özge KALYONCU -Dilek TÜRKMENOĞLU
Number of pages: 667-682
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Atıf Sayısı: : 2
Turkish Studies-Social Sciences
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