Mirza Celil’in Tiyatro Eserlerindeki Ahlâkî Yaklaşımlar Üzerine

Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, also known as Mirza Jalil, was one of the most prolific and efficient writers in the modernization period of Azerbaijani literature. He created a literary movement with his magazine “Molla Nasraddin” (ملانصرالدین) during the modernization process of Azerbaijani literature. He also gained a widespread reputation as the founder of the magazine, in a wide range of areas where Turkish and Muslim peoples lived. Mirza Jalil, except for “Molla Nasraddin”, wrote for some newspapers like “Kaspi”, “Şərqi-rus” (Eastern-Russian) and “Yeni Yol” (New Way). Mirza Jalil was ahead of his time with what he did in Azerbaijani society. He was a writer who questioned and criticized social and political issues in his works. So he sometimes experienced unpleasant and difficult times because of his works. He was rather an intellectual who wrote for society than a literary man who wrote only for art. So since Mirza Jalil was very keen on social improvement the facts of the society he lived in had an important place in his literary works. His works can be classified in two periods: The Tsarist period and The Soviet period. In this article, the dramas of Mirza Jalil have been treated in terms of the moral codes in his society, Azerbaijan. Mirza Jalil was one of the most important figures who criticized traditional morality in Azerbaijan. In this article, sociological and historical criticism have been taken into account. The facts about Mirza Jalil’s life and social situations of his time were examined and the context in which he wrote has been considered and evaluated.


Azerbaijani Literature, Jalil Mammadguluzageh, Drama, Moral Codes, Azerbaijan

Author : Taşkın İŞGÖREN
Number of pages: 727-737
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/TurkishStudies.42757
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Turkish Studies - Language and Literature
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