From Traditional to Mediatic Storytelling in Teaching of Turkish Literature: Heredot Cevdet

Literary genres have also differentiated with the becoming popular of the media. Books have been read electronically, the letter was replaced by an electronic letter. Some literary genres have also been fupdated with the use of media. While the literary books are transferred to the series, they appear with images in today's world. Meddah, which is a literary genre, started to enter our lives with different types of media. Meddah appears sometimes as theater, sometimes as stand up and sometimes as episodes in the series. Heredot Cevdet is one of these examples. In this study, Heredot Cevdet narratives in Ekmek Teknesi series are discussed in the context of meddah. The series Ekmek Teknesi was televised in 2002-2005 in three seasons and one hundred and six episodes. The character of Heredot Cevdet is an updated interpretation of the traditional narrative tradition of meddah in the electronic culture. In each episode of the series, Heredot Cevdet usually tells a story to the audience in genres such as folk story, epic, autobiographical story and historical story. In this study, Heredot Cevdet narratives around the concept of meddah and using of these narratives in Turkish literature education were examined. The research was prepared by document analysis which is one of the qualitative research methods. Twelve episodes were identified in line with the content of this research: Leyla ile Mecnun (chapter 4), Köktürk Yazıtları (chapter 6), Ferhat ile Şirin (chapter 19), Evliya Çelebi (chapter 22), Çanakkale Şehitleri’ne (chapter 25), Yusuf ile Züleyha (chapter 28), Bülbülün Aşkı (chapter 31), Kerem ile Aslı (chapter 48), Mehmetoğlu Mehmet (chapter 53), Kırklar Dağı ve Suzan Suzi (chapter 54), Oğuz Kağan Destanı (chapter 79), Tıkandı Baba (chapter 104). The narratives in these sections were examined in comparison with the meddah characteristics. Then, using of these narratives in teaching of Turkish literature was evaluated.


Turkish Literature, Meddah, Herodot Cevdet, Media, Traditional, Theatre.

Author : Yasemin UZUN -Zeynep TÜRKSEVER
Number of pages: 477-496
Full text:
Alıntı Yap:
Turkish Studies - Language and Literature
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