The noun clause has two main factors. One of them is subject and the other one is the predicate. The first part in sentence which has been defined in the different ways from each other by the linguists were described as “the noun which is started with itself in order that it is created on a statement” by Sîbeveyhi. As the first part is a factor in the position of a subject in a sentence, it should be definite. Because it does not provide any benefit and state anything for the acceptor to adjudicate on indefinite thing. However, the first part in sentence can come as indefinite in some cases. The scholars of syntax that they are mentioned as predecessor and successor in the syntax sources had the different approaches on this matter. So the scholars who were mentioned as predecessor mentioned that the first part in sentence can be as indefinite if it is beneficial but they did not give any information except some samples about what the situations and reasons it will provide benefit. The scholars who were mentioned as the successor in the sources provided full information about what the reasons first part in sentence can come as indefinite. However, they had conflict among themselves about the number of aforementioned reasons. Some of them devoted those reasons to two main reasons which are stated as general and matter while most of them stated the aforementionedreasons with the certain numbers and theyconsidered and reviewed them one-by-one. For example, İbn Mâlik gave the number of thosereasons as six,İbn Hişâm gave as ten, Sabbân gave as fifteen, İbn ‘Akil gave as twenty four, Ebû Hayyân gave as twenty seven, Suyûtî gave as thirty one, İbnü’n-Nehhâs gave as thirty two, and el-‘Unnabî gave as fourty two. It is seen that the first part in sentence is indefinite due to the various reasons in some parts of The Koran. However, it is observed that a certain part of aforementioned reasons in the syntax reasons is seen in The Koran.


Subject, Indefinite, Syntax, Koran, reason.

Author : Hamit SALİHOĞLU
Number of pages: 2089-2108
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Turkish Studies - Language and Literature
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